What is iGEM? (part 5): In one word … Unique
It’s been a while since I’ve reflected on the meaning of iGEM. When I first joined the iGEM Foundation, I asked you, the readers of the iGEM blog: “What does iGEM mean to you?” In compiling the responses, I learned that iGEM means many things to many people.
I learned that iGEM means many things to many people.
I received an abundance of stories about iGEM teams around the world working with local people solving local problems to help solve global challenges. Today, this theme is reflected in iGEM’s focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, and in iGEM’s new purpose, announced by Meagan Lizarazo (Executive Vice President, iGEM Foundation) earlier this year, “to make sure that the field of synthetic biology, and all of the power that this technology holds, gets developed everywhere by everyone.”
In gathering insights from iGEM’s history, I found that many think of iGEM as the pioneering organization of synthetic biology and the birthplace of innovation. In fact, so many start-up companies have spun out of iGEM (over 150!) that the iGEM Entrepreneurship Program was launched to support the success of iGEMers in entrepreneurial ventures. And many more initiatives have been launched at iGEM and After iGEM to support our growing global community and make synthetic biology accessible to all – from the iGEM Video Universe, iGEM TV, and iGEM podcasts to the iGEM Design League, the Global Alliance of Regional SynBio Associations, and more.
The diversity, collaborative nature, and creative energy reflected in new initiatives reveal something very special about iGEM and about all the people who have participated in iGEM over the years.
The considerable diversity, collaborative nature, and creative energy reflected in these initiatives reveal something very special about iGEM and about all the people who have participated in iGEM over the years, which is an openness to new ideas and willingness to try new things. This comes as no surprise given the core values of iGEM – integrity, good sportsmanship, respect, honesty, celebration, cooperation, effort, and excellence. These values influence every team project, every interaction, and every initiative that springs from iGEM.
Today, upon reflecting about the meaning of iGEM, I decided to choose one word to describe iGEM – “Unique”. I chose the word unique because of iGEM’s distinctiveness in building the field of synthetic biology, including iGEM’s leadership in advancing safety and security, promoting education and mentorship, fostering collaboration and teamwork, encouraging diversity and inclusion, pursuing technical excellence, and expanding the accessibility of synthetic biology to everyone everywhere in the world.
Now, I’d like to invite you – the reader of the iGEM blog – to choose one word and share why that word describes iGEM for you. The word need not be in English, but can be in whatever language is most comfortable for you.
Please send your word and description to blog [AT] igem [DOT] org where your responses will be compiled along with the responses of others and shared in future blog posts. I look forward to learning more about the meaning of iGEM from all of you!