
This blog is where we share stories, announcements, and insights from around the iGEM community.

The Ins and Outs of Paper Submission and Publication

The Ins and Outs of Paper Submission and Publication

The submission of a research or review article, and seeing it published is one of the most exciting and anxious aspects of a research process. It is the fruition of months (and sometimes yeards) of hard work and dozens of experiments, as well as a method to share innovative and interesting perspectives with the world. The fourth workshop in the Academic Publishing Workshop series, “The in’s and out’s of paper submission and publication by Dr. Bilge San”, aims to guide students through this process and provide comprehensive information on what to expect before and after submission.

Some excerpts:

  • While talking about the first steps in publication, she emphasised the importance of identifying the appropriate target journal by reading the aims and scopes of the journal.

  • She stated the importance of attributing the correct credits to the appropriate authors during submission.

  • She also talks in detail about the types of publication models, such as subscription models, where the author publishes for free and open access models, where the author pays a publication fee.

  • She also speaks about how to respond to reviewers' comments politely, thoroughly, objectively, and with evidence. She also encourages students to communicate with the journal office and/or editors






The Academia and Research topic at iGEM Community provides a platform for our community to engage, develop a better understanding and improve their knowledge of the recent research trends in Synthetic Biology through academic-related activities. Find more about them on our website.

Deborah Chandra’s Story: Science Research and Communication

Deborah Chandra’s Story: Science Research and Communication

The Art of Data Visualization: Extracting Meaning From Insights

The Art of Data Visualization: Extracting Meaning From Insights