All tagged Phoenix Project

Phoenix’s View: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Solutions from iGEM Teams for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases comprise a broad spectrum of disorders resulting from the gradual deterioration of cells and connections within the nervous system, crucial for functions such as movement, coordination, strength, sensation, and cognition. Explore how iGEM team’s have tackled the disease through their innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.

The Phoenix Project: Rising from the Competition

Since 2004, iGEM teams have been creating exciting, impactful projects just like yours. A handful of these projects have lived on as published academic papers, or have formed the basis for PhD projects, or have grown as start-up companies. However, many of the most imaginative and innovative projects have been simply left as wikis, without a clear path to enable others to move those projects forward. That changes now … enter the Phoenix Project!