All by Alonso Flores

Responsibility Conference 2.0: Having the conversations that can’t happen anywhere else

At iGEM, people can freely think about the future, and most importantly, how they want to get there. We invite you to join us at the second edition of the Responsibility Conference at the 2023 iGEM Grand Jamboree. The conference offers a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement to deliberate ongoing initiatives and emerging concerns in the realms of biorisk, biosecurity, and biosafety. 

20 years of Advancing Biosafety and Biosecurity at iGEM

Synthetic biology holds tremendous promise for addressing global challenges, but like all powerful technologies, there also are risks of accidental or deliberate misuse that could cause harm. In honor of the 20th year of iGEM, I’d like to take a look back on some of the highlights of iGEM’s history in building a strong culture of responsibility for biosafety and biosecurity.