All in iGEM Blog

Cloning & Assembly Plans

The iGEM Measurement Committee is happy to help you learn about the concepts, tools, and resources that are available to iGEM teams. In this post, we address three questions:

What is cloning and gene assembly?
Why is cloning and gene assembly important?
How is cloning and gene assembly done?

How To Build an Inclusive iGEM Project

In designing your iGEM project, we encourage you to consider: Who is included in your project design? Who benefits from your research? Will anyone be disadvantaged? Although you may want your iGEM project to benefit society, even your best intentions can have unintended consequences, especially for groups that are already disadvantaged.

Judging in iGEM 2020

The 2020 iGEM Season is quite a bit different from previous years, and the Executive Judging Committee (EJC) has made some exciting changes to the medal criteria so that all iGEM teams can participate and achieve medals – with or without lab access – this year.

Maximizing Benefits, Minimizing Risks

The iGEM competition should be a challenging, fun, and rewarding experience. But like all science and engineering, every iGEM project has some potential to cause harm. And so iGEM has a number of policies in place, as well as dedicated committees, to help teams do the best science and engineering possible – maximizing benefits for the world while at the same time minimizing any chance of harm.

Creating a Welcoming and Inclusive Space for LGBTQ+ iGEMers

iGEM is a unique space for a diverse range of students because iGEM actively attempts to encourage and support students from around the world to participate in its competition and community. But for the mentors or instructors in the room, what do you do actively to ensure that a diverse range of students in your program feel welcome and included?

COVID-19 Projects in iGEM

We know that many teams this year will want to work on COVID-19, and we believe you have much to contribute. In this exceptional year, we want you to be able to do the most important science and engineering possible … AND … we want to make sure you can do that safely and securely.