All in iGEM Blog

Studying people as well as microbes: Ethical challenges for iGEM teams

If you want to solve a real-world problem using synthetic biology, you can’t just study microbes. At some point, you’ll need to study people―their diverse values, opinions, and priorities―too. In addition to the basic requirement of “don’t break the rules or the law” set out in our human subjects research policy, it’s important for your team to take some time to think about how to treat every person participating in your research with respect.

World Oceans Day: iGEM and SDG 14

The United Nations has proclaimed 2021 – 2030 as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. This week, on June 8, many countries around the world joined the UN in celebrating World Oceans Day, a day for inspiring action to protect the oceans and sustainably use marine resources. In honor of World Oceans Day and this important decade, we’d like to highlight the accomplishments of iGEM teams using synthetic biology to restore, preserve and protect the oceans.

iGEM 2021 Opening Weekend Festival: by iGEMers for iGEMers

As true engineers, the iGEM community continues to iterate on and improve the innovations of past years to make them even better. Thanks to the hard work of the creative production team, the event hosts, and the many iGEMers who shared their stories, the iGEM 2021 Opening Weekend Festival celebrated the start of the iGEM season as a truly inspiring event created by iGEMers for iGEMers.

An iGEM Failure Story: A Team's Cascade of Mistakes

It's no easy task talking about failures or blunders, even within the scientific community, a field wherein failure is a feature and not a bug. So, as assumed, writing this article was not an easy assignment. Our mistakes, failures, and blunders taught us invaluable lessons. But it was, just like our mistakes, a part of the journey, and the journey proved to be as crucial as is the destination.

Earth Day: iGEM and SDG 13

Tomorrow is Earth Day. Observed on April 22 each year since 1970, Earth Day marks the birth of the modern environmental movement and is celebrated by over a billion people worldwide. Many important environmental events have taken place on Earth Day, including the signing of the Paris Agreement that established a framework to combat global climate change.

Tackling Global Challenges: iGEM and COVID-19

It’s been over a year since the World Health Organization officially declared that COVID-19 was a global pandemic. At that time, we were uncertain whether iGEM 2020 would even take place. Thanks to the dedication of the iGEM community and the resilience of the teams, iGEM 2020 became one of the most amazing seasons, bringing with it new approaches and technologies for making iGEM accessible to everyone, everywhere.

World Water Day: iGEM and SDG 6

Access to clean, fresh water is a privilege many may take for granted. Yet, according to the United Nations, 2.2 billion people around the world lack access to safe water. World Water Day, held annually on March 22, is dedicated to raising awareness about the global water crisis and focusing attention on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: access to water and sanitation for all by 2030. In honor of this day, we’d like to highlight the accomplishments of iGEM teams tackling the global water crisis with synthetic biology.

A New Beginning in Ghana: Reflections on a Journey and Roadmap for the Future

Currently, Africa is responsible for only 1% of scientific research output. By getting young student scientists involved in iGEM, we are facilitating the contribution and progression of research. By starting so early we are hoping this allows the developing countries across Africa, and across the world, to actually contribute and be an integral part of this revolution, rather than being a spectator for a while and becoming involved later on in the process.

iGEM and Lunar New Year 2021

iGEM is an international community of people from all over the world who are passionate about using synthetic biology to build that bright and better future. Today, we’d like to celebrate the many contributions from iGEM teams in countries where the Lunar New Year is recognized as a traditional holiday.

High School iGEM: Reflections & Future

Do you remember the first time you ran a successful PCR? Was it in the last few months? The last few years? Or so long ago you don’t want to admit it? For high school students, that first successful PCR might have resulted on work from this year’s iGEM project. Let that sink in for a minute…

How iGEM Changed My Career

I did iGEM as a student and for the first time my work had a user. We had a concrete problem we were trying to solve; we had to think about a platform for our user to interact with our biology. I was working on a team of engineers, programmers, designers. iGEM forces you to take a wholesome approach to solve a problem, and that's just a perfect taste of the real life.