All by Emilija Radlinskaitė
I wanted to do entrepreneurship, but I hadn't really seen it in the synthetic biology and biotech space before, iGEM was a really good way for me to get to do those things, and I think it also was nice for me that it wasn't life or death in case it failed. It was just a student competition.
Lietuviškos iGEM komandos kiekvienais metais skina aukščiausius laurus tarptautiniame sintetinės biologijos konkurse. O kaip iGEM atsirado Lietuvoje? Apie komandos kūrimo sėkmes ir nesėkmes kalbamės su Dr. Ingrida Olendraite, pirmosios iGEM komnados Lietuvoje vadove.
Starting a new iGEM team is a difficult process. Dr. Ingrida Olendraitė shares the struggles and highlights of being the first team in your country. Doctor also comments on science communication from experts point of view
From dead bodies to incorporating iGEM into teaching, publishing papers and struggles of a PI, Ioana Popescu shares everything in this candid interview.
Publishing a paper is no easy feat - especially if you`re in high school. We chat with Alisa Leong Weng I about how she overcame the struggles and advice for people following the same journey.