All in iGEM Blog

What we changed about Judging in 2023

As the iGEM Competition evolves each year, so does the way we do judging. For example, the last major changes occurred during the pandemic years and made it possible for all teams to participate whether they could access a laboratory or not. Now that pandemic restrictions have eased and teams are back in the lab, the Judging Committee has reviewed the judging criteria and the feedback we received, and have defined a few goals for the 2023 Competition.

Opening Day 2023 - Welcome to the 20th year of iGEM!

The experience that you are about to begin is truly unique. You will be given the opportunity to dream up solutions with your multi-talented team, gain meaningful insights by engaging directly with the very stakeholders who you wish to impact, and learn how to advocate for your ideas to gain the space and funding to execute on them. An iGEM Project is a crash course in the essential skills that are needed to bring a project to life.

A Look Back on the History of the iGEM Distribution

DNA Day (April 25) is just around the corner. As you can imagine, DNA is a rather big deal at iGEM. In just a few short weeks, the 2023 iGEM Distribution kit - containing thousands of physical DNA parts - will be sent in the mail to teams all around the world. Take a moment to consider what it means to have a curated collection of DNA parts from iGEM’s entire 20-year history arriving in your mailbox!

Bursting demographic bubbles: How to build a diverse and inclusive team

More diverse and inclusive teams produce greater innovation and overall better science. Yet, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields still exist within demographic bubbles due to the systemic and persistent exclusion of people based on gender, or ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, or other reasons. iGEM’s new purpose is to make sure that the field of synthetic biology, and all of the power that this technology holds, gets developed everywhere by everyone.

Building the future by giving back: Asimov partners with iGEM to accelerate mammalian synthetic biology

If you were in Paris for the iGEM Grand Jamboree, you may have already heard the news – Asimov is partnering with iGEM to build the future of mammalian synthetic biology! We are thrilled to be giving back to the community that has helped inspire, support, and connect students with each other to make synthetic biology the technology that will transform the world. 

Thank you for making iGEM 2022 shine!

As we near the end of 2022, all of us at iGEM HQ wish to express our appreciation for the many people who have dedicated their time, talent, work, and support in helping ensure that the field of synthetic biology, and all of the power this technology holds, gets developed everywhere by everyone.

Bridging the Gap between Conservation and Synbio in Global Biodiversity Governance: iGEM Delegation to CBD COP15

This past week, iGEM sent six delegates from the Biodiversity Youth Leadership Program to Montréal, Canada to participate in the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the Convention on Biological Diversity by the United Nations. There, they will present and discuss existing and future approaches to tackling one of the greatest challenges of our planet. 

Synlogic Reflects on 2022 Grand Jamboree and How Synthetic Biology Can Transform Medicine

We were invited to the Grand Jamboree by the iGEM Design League, who hosted our presentations. We discussed how synthetic biology has made our achievements possible. Sean's presentation, titled "Transforming Medicine Through Synthetic Biology: A Look at the Future of Synthetic Biology," discussed Synlogic's approach to producing our drugs and how our team applies genetic engineering to probiotics that are already well-understood (or well-characterized) by scientists.

Synthetic Biology Everywhere: Regional Synbio Ecosystems

Everyone in our community is working towards iGEM’s purpose to “make sure that the field of synthetic biology, and all of the power that this technology holds, gets developed everywhere by everyone”. At the 2022 Grand Jamboree, one of the Keynotes focused on iGEM’s purpose through a moderated discussion with panelists from four different regions of the world.

World Science Day for Peace and Development

Tomorrow (November 10) is World Science Day for Peace and Development, a day established by the United Nations to recognize the importance of science in society and the need to inform the public about the relevance of science in their lives and to engage them in discussions on emerging scientific issues. In honor of World Science Day for Peace and Development, we’d like to highlight the nominees and winners of the Best Sustainable Development Impact award in the 2022 iGEM Competition.

The future of synthetic biology unveiled at the iGEM 2022 Grand Jamboree

Held for the first time at the Paris Porte de Versailles Expo, the Grand Jamboree featured the synthetic biology innovations of 350+ teams from 40+ countries who demonstrated their ideas, initiatives, and innovations for humanity’s most pressing problems, including the climate crisis, food security, human health, foundational advances, biomanufacturing and more.

On the Road to Paris: Meet iGEMers, build connections, and find your next opportunity!

For the first time in nearly three years, the world’s largest SynBio community will be gathering in person for the iGEM Grand Jamboree. With over 40 different countries and regions represented, Jamboree participants bring with them a wealth of knowledge in different topic areas, and a diversity of expertise – from academic research to commercial ventures to governance and policy making.