World Hepatitis Day: iGEM and SDG 3

World Hepatitis Day serves to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis, an infectious disease causing inflammation of the liver, leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer and death, that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. In honor of World Hepatitis Day, we’d like to highlight some of the iGEM teams that have focused on hepatitis through the years.

Lessons shared by iGEM 2020 Teams: Tips and Timelines

There is no “right way” to do iGEM for everyone. Some teams begin their projects in November, while others start in June. Some teams have less than 5 members, while others have over 50. And of course, iGEM teams hail from many universities, high schools, and community labs across the world. Whatever the size or composition of your team, you need to find the best way for your team to work together.

Announcing the Winners of the iGEM 2021 Safety & Security Grants

At iGEM, we don’t see safety and security as just a set of rules to follow or a list of dangers to avoid. Rather, we think you can’t know whether you’re engineering biology to be good for the world if you haven’t thought about engineering it to be safe and secure. Who is supposed to think about it? We expect everyone in our community, especially teams themselves, to take responsibility for identifying and managing risks from iGEM projects.

Between you and the world: Maintaining balance between your science and the stakeholder

Synthetic biology has unveiled a world of potential for improving the society around us. In recent years, genetic engineering tools have enabled the development of low-cost diagnostics platforms, personalized medicines, and environmentally-friendly chemical manufacturing processes. However, it is not always straightforward to know what societal problems to tackle or how to tackle them.

Conservation Conversations: Reflections on the 2021 IUCN Global Youth Summit

At iGEM, we believe synthetic biology can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, helping us to build a society that meets the needs of all people within the means of the planet. In the words of Dr. Elizabeth Bennett during her Sustainability Keynote at the 2020 Giant Jamboree, “synthetic biology gives us a set of tools that we didn’t have before to potentially inform the way we do conservation”.

Studying people as well as microbes: Ethical challenges for iGEM teams

If you want to solve a real-world problem using synthetic biology, you can’t just study microbes. At some point, you’ll need to study people―their diverse values, opinions, and priorities―too. In addition to the basic requirement of “don’t break the rules or the law” set out in our human subjects research policy, it’s important for your team to take some time to think about how to treat every person participating in your research with respect.

World Oceans Day: iGEM and SDG 14

The United Nations has proclaimed 2021 – 2030 as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. This week, on June 8, many countries around the world joined the UN in celebrating World Oceans Day, a day for inspiring action to protect the oceans and sustainably use marine resources. In honor of World Oceans Day and this important decade, we’d like to highlight the accomplishments of iGEM teams using synthetic biology to restore, preserve and protect the oceans.

iGEM 2021 Opening Weekend Festival: by iGEMers for iGEMers

As true engineers, the iGEM community continues to iterate on and improve the innovations of past years to make them even better. Thanks to the hard work of the creative production team, the event hosts, and the many iGEMers who shared their stories, the iGEM 2021 Opening Weekend Festival celebrated the start of the iGEM season as a truly inspiring event created by iGEMers for iGEMers.

An iGEM Failure Story: A Team's Cascade of Mistakes

It's no easy task talking about failures or blunders, even within the scientific community, a field wherein failure is a feature and not a bug. So, as assumed, writing this article was not an easy assignment. Our mistakes, failures, and blunders taught us invaluable lessons. But it was, just like our mistakes, a part of the journey, and the journey proved to be as crucial as is the destination.

Earth Day: iGEM and SDG 13

Tomorrow is Earth Day. Observed on April 22 each year since 1970, Earth Day marks the birth of the modern environmental movement and is celebrated by over a billion people worldwide. Many important environmental events have taken place on Earth Day, including the signing of the Paris Agreement that established a framework to combat global climate change.

Tackling Global Challenges: iGEM and COVID-19

It’s been over a year since the World Health Organization officially declared that COVID-19 was a global pandemic. At that time, we were uncertain whether iGEM 2020 would even take place. Thanks to the dedication of the iGEM community and the resilience of the teams, iGEM 2020 became one of the most amazing seasons, bringing with it new approaches and technologies for making iGEM accessible to everyone, everywhere.