The future of synthetic biology unveiled at the iGEM 2022 Grand Jamboree

Held for the first time at the Paris Porte de Versailles Expo, the Grand Jamboree featured the synthetic biology innovations of 350+ teams from 40+ countries who demonstrated their ideas, initiatives, and innovations for humanity’s most pressing problems, including the climate crisis, food security, human health, foundational advances, biomanufacturing and more.

On the Road to Paris: Meet iGEMers, build connections, and find your next opportunity!

For the first time in nearly three years, the world’s largest SynBio community will be gathering in person for the iGEM Grand Jamboree. With over 40 different countries and regions represented, Jamboree participants bring with them a wealth of knowledge in different topic areas, and a diversity of expertise – from academic research to commercial ventures to governance and policy making.

On the road to Paris: Overcoming mental health challenges in STEM

The countdown to the final days before the iGEM 2022 wiki freeze has begun, and this year’s teams are no doubt feeling the pressure. This coming Monday (October 10) is World Mental Health Day, a day to “raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health.” While the wiki freeze is a memorable experience, it can also bring added stress to iGEMers already handling a heavy workload.

On the road to Paris: Join IWBDA at the iGEM Grand Jamboree

Registration is open now for the 14th International Workshop on Bio-Design Automation (IWBDA) to be held October 24-26, 2022 in Paris at the iGEM Grand Jamboree. IWBDA will bring together researchers from the synthetic biology, systems biology, and design automation communities to discuss concepts, methodologies and software tools for the computational analysis and synthesis of biological systems.

DNA Data Storage

In 2012, George Church, Yuan Gao, and Sriram Kosuri published their work “Next Generation Digital Information Storage” in the journal Science. Using DNA's four-letter nucleotide code of A, G, T, and C to encode the 0s and 1s of a digitized file, they were the first to demonstrate that DNA could be used as a storage medium. Fast forward to today, and you’ll see numerous developments in reading and writing different forms of data on DNA to make DNA storage more efficient and cost effective.

Synbio: The Game Changer for Climate Tech

As the study of life and our environment, biology is inextricably linked to climate change and climate tech, and therefore holds the key to addressing the biggest challenge of our generation. By engineering biology, we can move away from fossil fuel dependency, decrease agricultural emissions, repurpose land, and stop plastic pollution.

On the road to Paris: Women in SynBio Symposium

At the Women in STEM (WiSTEM) Initiative by the iGEM Community, we aim to inspire and raise awareness for women and young girls to pursue STEM careers – both in industry and academia. As a part of this year’s event at the iGEM 2022 Grand Jamboree in Paris, we will be hosting a “Women in SynBio Symposium” to celebrate and highlight women in synthetic biology who are a major source of inspiration for the coming generations.

On the road to Paris: Write your story as an iGEM judge

I wasn’t supposed to be at the 2011 iGEM Jamboree at all. I was working for a funding agency in the US Department of Defense. My boss was invited to iGEM to see what the competition was about. I was pulled onto his trip at the last minute. After arriving in Boston, I was informed I would serve as a judge in my boss’s place. He didn’t stick around for the whole weekend. I am still a part of iGEM 11 years later.

International Youth Day

This Friday (August 12) is International Youth Day, an opportunity “to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions and initiatives, as well as their meaningful, universal and equitable engagement.” On this day, we’d like to celebrate the 70,000+ young people that have participated in the iGEM Competition, engaging with their communities to solve local problems and tackle global challenges using the tools of synthetic biology.