[ES] Una guía completa de recursos para los equipos de la competencia iGEM, por la iGEM Community

Unirse a la competencia iGEM no es algo sencillo, y los equipos participantes pueden enfrentarse a un sinúmero de obstáculos conforme avanzan en la temporada iGEM; ya sea la solución de problemas en el laboratorio, en el código de la wiki, o conflictos interpersonales dentro del propio equipo. Incluso cuando te enfrentas a estos problemas, es importante recordar que no estás solo en estas batallas, y aquí en la iGEM Community, hemos generado una serie de recursos diferentes que te ayudarán a disminuir los desafíos a los que te puedas enfrentar.

[PT] Um guia completo de recursos para as equipes da competição iGEM, pela iGEM Community

Participar da competição iGEM não é coisa fácil, e as equipes participantes podem enfrentar uma infinidade de obstáculos à medida que avançam na temporada iGEM; seja resolução de problemas no laboratório, no código na wiki ou conflitos interpessoais dentro da própria equipe. Mesmo quando você está enfrentando esses problemas, é importante lembrar que você não está sozinho nessas batalhas, e aqui na Comunidade iGEM, reunimos alguns recursos diferentes para ajudar você a diminuir os desafios que você pode enfrentar.

[JA] How to have a Grand iGEM Competition experience: Introducing resources from the iGEM Community

iGEM Competitionに参加することは、簡単なことではありません。iGEMシーズンの期間中、ラボでのトラブルシューティング、Wikiコードのバグの修正、チーム内の人間関係の対立など、数え切れないほどの問題に直面します。このような問題に直面しても、自分たちだけが苦労しているわけではないことを知ることが重要です。iGEMコミュニティでは、皆さんが直面する問題を軽減するのに役立つ様々なリソースを作成しています。

Celebrating DNA Day with the iGEM DNA Distribution 2.0

When James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins, and colleagues published their seminal work on the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, scientists were at a turning point in understanding how genetic material works. Now, just 70 years later, graduate, undergraduate, and even high school students apply their knowledge of how genetic material works to engineer biology itself; using it to address the world’s biggest problems such as climate change, biodiversity, human health, and more.

iGEM Indian League: Reimagining the landscape of Synthetic Biology in India

When you think of India, what comes to mind? Teams from India have a long history of participating in iGEM, known by most as the premier international synthetic biology competition, and the organization that helped to establish the synthetic biology industry. When you think of India, we invite you to think of local people solving local problems throughout every region of India using the tools of synthetic biology. That is the vision of iGEM Indian League.

Anatomy of an iGEM Team

What exactly is an “iGEM team”? Over the years, iGEM has evolved and expanded to accommodate new groups that want to participate, and to improve the iGEM experience by refining the kind and composition of teams, the roles of team members, and the sections in which the teams compete. We’ve put together some guidelines to help you understand the anatomy of an iGEM team.

Synthetic Biology in India

Biotechnology is currently one of the fastest growing industries in India with a massive boom in the past 5 years. But while a lot of biotech infrastructure and resources exist in the country and technological advances have allowed the cost of sequencing and DNA synthesis to drop, this was not directed towards Synthetic Biology.

Building and growing synthetic biology ecosystems around the world with iGEM Leagues

We asked iGEMers in different places around the world about the challenges they are facing when it comes to building their local synthetic biology ecosystems and advancing the engineering progress of biology. We learned that specific challenges vary not just between global regions, but between countries and localities as well. In keeping with iGEM’s new purpose of making sure that the field of synthetic biology, and all of the power that this technology holds, gets developed everywhere by everyone, we are developing the iGEM Leagues.

World TB Day: Investing in synthetic biology to end TB

World TB Day is March 24, which marks the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of the bacterium that causes TB – Mycobacterium tuberculosis – opening the way towards diagnosing and curing this disease. Despite being preventable and treatable, TB is still one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, second only to COVID-19 in 2020. This year the theme of World TB Day is “Invest to End TB. Save Lives”, reflecting the urgency to invest resources to end the global TB epidemic by 2030.

iGEM Bolivia: A scientific movement for access to bio-innovation

Bolivia’s need for scientific innovation inspired the formation of iGEM Bolivia, a student organization that seeks to create both a scientific community and a movement to advance bio-innovation in Bolivia. Students from four different regions of Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca) expressed interest and took the critical and important first step of finding and recruiting other students who were interested in learning the intricate details and methods of synthetic biology. Together they formed a team of more than 57 students who are eager to develop synthetic biology-based solutions in the near future that solve local challenges.

Looking ahead at 2022

Now more than ever the world needs synthetic biologists – talented and passionate people who are building a better world by engineering biology. iGEM is known by most as the premier international synthetic biology competition, and the organization that helped to establish the synthetic biology industry. But in 2022, iGEM has grown to be so much more than just the competition.

Engineering biology for sustainable development

This Friday – March 4 – is World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, a United Nations’ international day for celebrating engineers and engineering. It’s a day to recognize the critical role of engineers in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure that everyone has access to clean water, sanitation, reliable energy, and other basic human needs. In honor of World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, we’d like to highlight the accomplishments of iGEM teams in engineering biological solutions towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Biodiversity Conservation

Every year, hundreds of fascinating projects are developed by iGEMers to face the pressing challenges of our time and innovate for the future. I invite you to check out my interview with Maarten Lubbers as we discuss projects from the iGEM 2021 season that focus on biodiversity conservation. These are very different projects using very different approaches by iGEM teams from different continents around the globe.

Thank you for an inspired iGEM 2021!

The end of an iGEM competition season brings a time of both reflection and renewed hope. As we look back on iGEM 2021 — another challenging season to be sure — we are inspired by the iGEM community’s remarkable resilience and interconnectedness. Amidst the ongoing pandemic, where teams continued to face uncertainties over lab access, data collection obstacles, and travel restrictions, the iGEM community found even more ways to support and connect with one another.

Lessons from Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2021!

This year we sent Mélodie Dupré Chair of the iGEM Industry Network, (an After iGEM steering group who promote the effective communication between iGEMers & iGEM Industry Alumni) to represent the iGEM community and check out the worlds largest deeptech event - The Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2021! We caught up with Mélodie to learn more about her experiences!